We have had the incredible privilege of working with so many amazing people!
We believe that it is through our collaborative efforts, where we come together in support of one another, that we will begin to create the change we want to see in the world. Our hope is that one day, all children will experience emotionally safe and secure relationships, where they will know unconditional love and true acceptance.
We hope for the days when adults will truly embrace the critical nature of their role in the lives of young children--where we no longer have to use the term "intentionality" because with every interaction we will be ever-so-present, open to learn from them as much as they will learn from us.
With every connection we believe we are creating the change our world desperately needs.
Organizations We've worked with
The Kindergarten Experience, a collaboration with AZ Department of Education
Del E. Webb Family Enrichment Center, Yavapai College, AZ
American Academy of Pediatrics, Washington, DC
Maricopa County Head Start, AZ
Community Development Institute, CO
Oglala Sioux Tribe, SD
Arizona Indian Head Start Director’s Association, AZ
Booker T. Washington Head Start, AZ
Murphy Head Start, AZ
Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community, AZ
Roosevelt Elementary School District, AZ
Martin Luther King Jr/Roosevelt Head Start, AZ
Arizona Department of Education, Early Childhood, AZ
Paradise Valley Community College, AZ
Childsplay, AZ
UMOM New Day Centers, AZ
Phoenix Day Early Learning Center, AZ
Nez Perce Tribe, Early Childhood Development Program, ID
Chaghache Day Care Center, White Mountain Apache Tribe, AZ
Beatitudes Agelink, AZ
KinderCare Learning Center, AZ
First Five, Preschool For All, CA
El Centrito Family Learning Centers, CA
Inter-tribal Council of California, CA
Tulalip Tribes of Washington, WA
City of Phoenix Head Start, AZ
Alhambra Head Start, AZ
Washington School District, AZ
National Head Start Family Literacy Center, CA
Three Feathers Associates, OK
National Center on Tribal Child Care Implementation and Innovation, CDI
Office of Child Care, Administration for Children and Families
Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada, Inc.
National Indian Child Care Association
Southwest Behavioral Health, AZ
WestEd, CA
Inter-Tribal Council of California, Inc.
California Rural Indian Health Board, CA
Litchfield School District, AZ
Desert Sun Early Childhood Program, AZ
Amphitheater School District
Deer Valley School District
Gila River Head Start
Blue Ridge School District
Pendergast School District
EdKey Schools
Window Rock Unified School District
Growing Tree Preschool
Quality First Academy Institute
Choosing a trainer and/or consultant is an incredibly important decision. Anyone can offer a training. The question becomes whether the experience has been truly worthwhile. Like teachers of young children, trainers can either help ignite the passion that exists within or kill the spark all together.
Our trainings are different. Our trainings are highly engaging. Our trainings are inspirational.
Our trainings align with our foundational philosophical beliefs about learners, regardless of age.
But don’t take our word for it!
Jaz Hudson, Former Employee/Early Childhood Teacher
Isela, you have been on my heart lately, and I have got to tell you this before it kills me…lol..I wanted to Thank you for believing in me, when I didn’t see the bigger picture(and I didn’t believe in myself to know my capabilities at the time of working with children of what impact I would have in their lives). I am a better leader, and teacher because of my time at our ece program and the experience under your leadership. I currently listen in meetings of the struggles that teachers(without any support) are having with children, and finding what works (developmentally appropriate practice). And I constantly say to myself” I used to be that teacher, and I needed a path to follow until I found my own way”. And it takes me back to YOU and your natural gift to relate to people like me who was: Lost, wanting change, and needing guidance, but I didn’t know where to start.YOU BELIEVED IN ME!!!!!!You saw something greater, and much more divine then i did at that time in my life. You will always be someone I will hold close to my heart,as the foundation to what “CHANGED ME”, I am currently enrolled in an Adult Learning and Coaching class( I am trying to get certified to train), and we had to share a story about a person that influenced our lives…And all I could think of was you.Because even though I was young, and starting my “Independence” I still needed guidance, and support EMOTIONALLY along the way.And you gave me that….There aren’t any words that can fill the jar of nuggets you have placed in my life. I value you, and appreciate your drive….May you continue to touch one life at a time, like you did mine.
Nidaa Wahid, Early Childhood Teacher
I am writing with regards to an Early Childhood Educator Dr. Isela Garcia. I have had the honor of being one of Dr. Garcia’s lucky students for almost 2 years now. Over these years, I have not only received some of her amazing knowledge, but I have seen growth in my capabilities as an early childhood teacher.
During her trainings about early childhood development, Dr. Garcia not only introduces new important material, but takes the time to explain vague concepts. Furthermore, she gives wonderful examples of possible scenarios in which these concepts could be applied. When I first met her, she planted in me a seed of knowledge which only grew over time. She is an intelligent and respected teacher who is so passionate about what she does. She has brought out the best in her students by passing on this passion for knowledge and children. Her trainings and classes are always so inspiring to be a part of. I learn something new from Dr. Garcia every time I see her, even outside the classroom. I know that Dr. Isela Garcia is a wonderful role model for early childhood education teachers and I hope she continues to be a role model for future teachers.
Dr. Garcia is an inspiration to me and many other early childhood teachers. William Arthur Ward said it perfectly when he said, “The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. But only the great teacher inspires,” and I know that Dr. Garcia’s greatness is one which every successful early childcare program needs. I am blessed to have Dr. Isela Garcia as my teacher and inspirer.
Lisa Florit, First Five Supervisor
I wanted to say Thank You to Dr Isela, for an amazing workshop/training a few weeks ago at VCOE! We just started school and we were able to incorporate a few suggestions from the workshop to great success. I found your style of presenting inspiring and motivating- I was reminded that I am powerful and capable of accomplishing anything I want, so thanks for that!
Candy McManamom, Early Childhood Teacher
I have learned so much from this talented woman. I wish I had met and studied with her 40 years ago when I was just starting my family. Her ideas and concepts on child development are ingenious and far better than that, they work. I was able to use almost everything she taught me in my work as a Head Start teacher assistant. Often times in interviews people are asked if they have a favorite teacher they can remember. Most people say their kindergarten teacher or maybe a high school teacher. I met my favorite teacher when I was 60 years old. Thank you Isela.
LeAnna Sackett, Early Childhood Director
I have attended two Leadership Circle trainings with Isela and have to say it was some of the most valuable training I’ve had since being a director. The sessions dealt with issues that were relevant to directors and the information received could be used right away. She defined characteristics of an effective leader and identified what was needed to create a strong working community. The processhelped me identify the kind of leader I am so I could, with courage, improve in the areas of communication and handling conflicts. What I came to realize weeks after the sessions is that Isela has an uncanny ability to read/know people and she uses that ability to encourage and direct them to grow as they need to in order to create positive change. She helps you see beyond where you are and into what is possible. At times I felt like I had been in a counseling session because of the reflection that took place on my way home. I experienced life changing personal growth that has helped meunderstand myself better and lead my staff more effectively.
Mayra Maldonado, Early Childhood Teacher
I want to thank you because I learned a lot in training you gave us last week in Camarillo. Thanks to your training, I think I’ll be able to have more patience and tenderness toward children. I hope to know about more trainings that you offer.
Berlyn Schulte, former Preschool-Kindergarten kid (all grown up)
Isela Garica was my FAVORITE teacher at Tempe Children Center. I remember going home and just blabbing about Isela and how much I loved her. She was caring, loving, and always in tune on what we all needed, me and the other children. I am now a preschool teacher thanks to Isela, and I now understand why she loved us all so much. The love a child gives and a reward a teacher recieves on when a child learns something new is unexplanable. Someday I hope to bring my students as much enlightment as Isela has brought all of the children she has encountered. Thank you!
Ventura County Office of Education, Pre-K Programs and Services
Isela’s strong desire and commitment to achieve and be successful contributed greatly to the successful Preschool for All outcomes. Quantitative and qualitative data provided us clear illustrations of the outcomes that have been achieved. Teachers reported, via survey, that they are more confident in their work with children and they feel highly supported. In addition, assessment of the classrooms’ environment using the Environment Rating Scale (ERS), also showed remarkable improvement as a result of Dr. Garcia’s support.
Dr. Garcia is unquestionably an exceptional professional with great knowledge, skill and dedication to the field of early care and education.
Luann Rocha, Executive Director, El Centrito Family Learning Centers
Read this great success story! Thanks for your training…we are transforming the program…we’ve made incredible progress…..
This school year, teachers at Ramona Preschool decided that designing open-ended, creative activities would be one of their team goals, so they are working hard to provide as many new creative learning opportunities for their students as possible. A recent puppet-making activity was especially fun, and it got lots of creative juices flowing, for both children and teachers.
Like with many puppet-making activities, they started with a plain brown paper lunch bag. But instead of a pre-designed animal face that is glued onto the bag, all of the students were encouraged to create whatever type of animal they wanted. “Make your pet,” a teacher instructed. “Or if you don’t have a pet, make an animal that you’d like to have as a pet.” Children began working to design their individual animals using buttons, tissue paper, fabric, paint, markers, and much more. As they worked, the children told the teachers and their classmates stories about their animals. One student told teachers that he was making a dog because his pet dog had run away, and he missed him. Several students designed rabbits, and they reminisced excitedly about the strange day when they saw a wild rabbit hopping around just outside their classroom. And other students imagined what it would be like to have a dinosaur or an elephant as a pet.
Teachers and students enjoyed this activity not only because it encouraged everybody’s creativity, but also because it sparked interesting conversation in which students freely expressed a wide range of emotions, from sadness over a lost dog, to glee over a funny shared experience, to wonder about the logistics of how to keep a dinosaur for a pet. Teachers and students at Ramona are looking forward to many more open-ended, creative activities.
Jessica Anderson, ECE Educator
Dr. Garcia is incredible at scaffolding information from one concept to the next. She is thorough in her presentation of information. She challenges me to dig deeper. She tells stories we can relate to which helps me retain the information, helping me implement it into my daily practice. All of her trainings are amazing and exciting.